INTERVIEW: Zuko Nodada: Giving Voice to the Voiceless INTERVIEW: Zuko Nodada: Giving Voice to the Voiceless
bfm interviews Zuko Nodada Zuko Nodada is a director making waves in South Africa. His debut film Between Friends in 2014 brought him... INTERVIEW: Zuko Nodada: Giving Voice to the Voiceless

bfm interviews Zuko Nodada

Zuko Nodada is a director making waves in South Africa. His debut film Between Friends in 2014 brought him national and international acclaim. Zuko talks to bfm about his latest feature Uncovered.

bfm: Hi Zuko, tell us about your movie Uncovered and what was the inspiration behind you making this film?

Zuko Nodada: The inspiration was simple, after 25 years of freedom and democracy people in South Africa are living in extreme poverty and nothing changes in the lives of the poor people. No land, no resources and no hope for a better future. The rich just keep taking from them with no consequences really.

bfm: Who wrote the script and what is it about?

Zuko Nodada: Steven Pillemer wrote the script. It is about Aluta Ndlovu, an ambitious PA to Frank Drake who is the CEO and owner of Shift inc, a coal mine company. Aluta believes that one day she will take over from Frank to a point where she is blinded to realities of corruption taking place in and around her. Only when her sister Phumla who is a journalist does Aluta sees Frank for who he is and starts to investigate the corrupt activities that Frank is engaged in.

bfm: Is having a female lead important?

Zuko Nodada: Having a female lead was very important for me, I grew up around strong women, my mother and my sister and I learned from an early age how women can shape up the world, raise a man and influence the future. Nqobile Khumalo is well known and is on a popular television soap as well.

bfm: Tell us about the actor you chose to play the lead and other significant cast members

Zuko Nodada: I had worked with the lead actress Nqobile Khumalo on a Television series I directed 5 years ago. She had one call and from her delivery on the day I knew that we were going to work together one day, but I was not finding a suitable project for her until Uncovered came along. With the villain Frank Drake it was easy to decide. Robert Hobbs is a seasoned professional and the role was written for him. I picked up my phone and called him, he asked for the script and after reading it he was on board.

bfm: How you did you manage to raise the finance?

Zuko Nodada: Our funding process was made less painful by the Kwazulu Natal film commission, they gave us 50 percent of our budget making it easy for us to get the DTI rebate and bringing the National Film Video Foundation on board.

bfm: Did you have a particular style of shooting or was influenced by other films or filmmakers?

Zuko Nodada: There will always be influence from the other guys who have done great work, but I believe with the film I found a unique voice visually and otherwise. I treated scenes based on what I wanted to communicate and because the subject matter is sensitive I opted to be a bit shaky with regards to camera movement with abrupt stillness where appropriate.

bfm: What are the plans for distribution in SA and internationally

Zuko Nodada: We have taken a bold decision to distribute independently in South Africa, where we approached the exhibitors directly. The movie will be out in Cinemas on the 30th of August at ster Kinekor. Internationally, we have a sales agent and we have been to a few film festivals where we have had doors opened for international distribution.

bfm: Any other comments you want to say about the film?

Zuko Nodada: Uncovered represents millions of people in South Africa and in Africa as a whole, and the themes of inequality and corruption are universal more than anything. This is a great film for everyone as it gives a voice to the voiceless.

Marva Lord Online editor

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