STREETS PAVED WITH GOLD – BUFF (British Urban Film Festival) Awards 2017 nominee STREETS PAVED WITH GOLD – BUFF (British Urban Film Festival) Awards 2017 nominee
BUFF (British Urban Film Festiva)l Awards 2017Nominated Spoken Word Music VideoProduced by V Jay Theatre Productions ( Victor RichardsDirected and filmed by Souleyman Garcia Windrush Anniversary marked  in 2018This is... STREETS PAVED WITH GOLD – BUFF (British Urban Film Festival) Awards 2017 nominee

BUFF (British Urban Film Festiva)l Awards 2017
Nominated Spoken Word Music Video
Produced by V Jay Theatre Productions (
Starring: Victor Richards
Directed and filmed by Souleyman Garcia

Windrush Anniversary marked  in 2018
This is a tribute to all those pioneers who left their homelands to come to Great Britain in search of a better life for their families they left behind after the Second World War. We want to make sure that their journey, struggles and triumphs will never be forgotten for generations to come.

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